Wednesday, July 13, 2016

my praying mantis

The praying mantis. For the people that know me riding motorcycles is one of my Main Hobbies. I just love the thrill of controlling that much power with just a Twist of a throttle.
 And this one is my new bike 2014 ZX10. This one here is stand it stretch about 8 inches back what are Brock's exhaust system to match.
 This bike is extremely fast but and dangerous at the same time but lots of fun.
I took this photograph in front of my house I was testing the flash because we had a class project coming up.
 And I thought no other subject to use them my bike that has metal and plastic ware I can try to learn from it and then when a project comes up I will have a little more experience and Hands-On with it.

Jack glass

Mr. Gentleman's Jack.

 We had a project for the summer where you had to learn how to shoot glass.
You had to get the light to shine on left and right side of the glass.

 The process of photographing glass is not as easy as it seems because you did not directly put the light on it so I had to bounce around it and order it for you to form the shape.

In this particular glass actually one a day Christmas bike meeting a year ago I don't even drink but I still had a late around my house and I thought it was very interesting to shoot.