Friday, August 26, 2016

The Passover dance.

How many to have been a week ago in Charlotte North Carolina.

It's where Middle Easterns gathered together at this facility and when the Indian girl reads a certain age they form a dance recital for an hour it's almost like a traditional Passover .
It's too show that there were the other being a woman I thought it was very interesting I went there and did a photoshoot there and this was actually at practice she wanted her full outfit I went on Saturday just to see how it went and.
 I went on Sunday to watch it I didn't shoot it and I thought was very interesting and I like correlate it and how much time and effort how many years of practice she did to get this right to perform for over a couple hours straight by herself and she was very young she was probably 15 so I think it was for her to come into being 16.

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