Friday, September 30, 2016


Home away from home mansion. The shot was a project we had to do making a little world.

Basically I was shooting to make a panorama to stitch all the pieces together to make a final product. This is a house of a friend of mine his family used to own it.

 They're very nice people as mother and father passed away. He actually works on tractors and diesel vehicles.

 Brother is very nice because it's almost funny how he got this nice house all this land and he drives a 92 Honda Accord which is not unusual but I thought was funny because it has newer cars in the garage but never drives them to love driving a Honda. and make some he said it makes him fit in with people.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

hot yellow

Wow this the hot yellow Evo its back. I'm sorry tell us what's up I was trying to imitate and every time that I seen where they split the car and she from the front but put a quarter of the tire.

 And a quarter of the breaking of photo and that was an advertisement but I think I needed better tires with bigger words because the time that you've had bigger words and there's a lot longer and.

And but I really feel like it came out great I'm still practicing on my car automotive stay tuned for next week and I got a Ferrari  550 and you can see how it turned out.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Mr. Blue. This is my friends Honda Civic has been building for about 3 years.
 Ask him a really long way when he first got about two years ago he had a different motor a different color but he got in a wreck and messed her car up but he was still determined to fix that car the way he wanted.
 he said he has a lot of work to do to it he done a lot of custom work and fabricate the Rams the way that he wanted and he got a painting there certain way and actually pray all the paint he actually did a lot of body work.
 to the car almost all of it by himself and whatever you can do to get a machine shop to do the stairwell does attached that's kind of cool that's it keep you from stealing your car cause a Honda and Altimas are the most common car stolen I really think that he enjoyed it we're both really big and imports and I think it's a really nice card and I really hope he thrives to make it better and do the best you can with it and enjoy it

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Mr. Blue part 2. This is the wheels on the previous like I did with the blue Civic and this is a Stairway that attaches.
I thought it was very cool how he got the color schemes for both of them and fabricated to look different like no other or anything that's interesting this is the rims.

 I was talking about the heat got it fabricated Pacific with the size and offset in the stairwell he bought the steering wheel and they just got the put the flip flop paint on it. Both of these are little rare specific color scheme you're definitely fun and I really am a big fan of people customize and stuff and nobody else will have it if they just change the color or something or you do a little minor stuff is better than having something that somebody else has.

Friday, September 16, 2016


I was shooting this SS Camaro. It was a very last-minute photo shoot and made me learn to always be prepared and don't wait if the person wait to the last minute don't do it simply because I left my tripod I couldn't get my strobes to fire because I had the wrong remote form I just can't figure it was a headache so I don't work with what I had I had to bounce the light with the ambient light off of my camera it was a headache it didn't come out as I thought it was because I think I was ill and frustrated about it but I still manage to pull something out of it. So it was a big lesson learned always be fully prepared don't be in a rush cuz if so you going to get to a job site and then you going to be really disappointed because you don't have half the equipment that you need.

work it

This is a photo shoot I did. My whole goal of this photo shoot was to illustrate her freckles I thought it interesting that 65% her body had freckles. Will try to make it look like the models hair was flowing in the air and try to make her look really fancy and classy. I'm trying to learn how to shoot models in automobiles. The only real major differences models talk and complain cause it still let you do your work. But she did a great job not too much complaining I have a lot to learn on how to shoot the difference between both and I have a lot to learn on how to do this if it poses and what fits what person's body shape so it's still a long long process.

Friday, September 9, 2016

evo kiler

This week we had to shoot a conceptual piece of art. And as people know I'm really big into Imports and Automotive photography.

 So what the what's make a scene using a bright yellow Evo with some people look like they're getting water board and kidnap.

The idea was we see movies and stuff people that are really violent people don't bring it in today so they don't drive really bright cars they always like in the dark black Hummer or dark black Suburban.

So I thought it'd be really interesting at a super bright car that throughout the scenery. So that's why we added a bright yellow car to make you be like why is that in there who runs around like that


This is a 2015 Subaru WRX. This is a very clean car this is actually my first car shooting in the studio at school.

 I'm very interested in automotive photography so I feel like I need it like learn how to shoot in studio out of Studio.

 shooting a car is very challenging it takes a lot I not a lot of work yet he's a lot of light to bounce a lot of light you never put the light directly on it because you was see really hard shadows.

It took like 3 hours but I still really think I'm very interested shooting Automotive I just have to understand how to become better and I felt myself to become a great photographer.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

out door light

Being a second-year you need to be more focus on what you want to have a career and so right now I'm a little iffy on if I want to shoot fashion models or I just want to shoot outside models if I want them to ever touch the clothing so right now I'm experiment with light and experiment what I want to do sometimes I cannot figure it out. I really like you and Automobiles but I really like shooting models I just need for out what I want to do so I'm right now I'm practicing in studio line using ambient light just to figure out what route I want to take. Man have plenty of time to figure out precisely so right now I'm just learning and taking in the knowledge


I definitely like shooting automobiles. People that know me know I'm really big into their cars that's just some hobby I like I love tuner car import cars I love motorcycles I love things like that I like things that go fast I like the power and and I love being a photographer so nothing else better than shooting them to things that you enjoy so taking on my friend to have nice cars I usually take photographs of them for free they get .

So I shut my friends Subaru WRX I want to do like something in the dark I will love shooting cars in the dark I feel like everybody should cars in the light so I like this you don't want a dark background I like to see them at night time I like to use Flash I like these roads are like to use gel.

 I just really like night time shooting and I think it's very interesting come right now I'm working on a series of shooting cars and what a city in the background so we're looking for like Nice Bridge is that we can shoot on and stuff like that so we're working on a few things and hopefully it all worked out

Friday, August 26, 2016

The Passover dance.

How many to have been a week ago in Charlotte North Carolina.

It's where Middle Easterns gathered together at this facility and when the Indian girl reads a certain age they form a dance recital for an hour it's almost like a traditional Passover .
It's too show that there were the other being a woman I thought it was very interesting I went there and did a photoshoot there and this was actually at practice she wanted her full outfit I went on Saturday just to see how it went and.
 I went on Sunday to watch it I didn't shoot it and I thought was very interesting and I like correlate it and how much time and effort how many years of practice she did to get this right to perform for over a couple hours straight by herself and she was very young she was probably 15 so I think it was for her to come into being 16.

Friday, August 19, 2016


The number two. We had a project where we had to go around and find numbers and I thought this is very interesting this number 2 was and a stack of sewing yarn.

 I thought it was very interesting picture because it means a lot such as I'm following a second-year  at Randolph Community College.

 How overcome many trials and tribulations to get here many struggles in life and I'm just happy to be at this point it's almost like I had a second chance to get here.

 I really enjoyed my second year here at RCC I can tell I'm really going to learn a lot it's going to be the toughest year so far we have internships to do and a lot more intense project and I'm very excited and ready to do that.


I did a little experiment over the summer break using steel wool. Always see a lot of pictures of people using it thought it was very interesting the effect that you get out of it so I took it upon myself to do a shoot like this.

I think the turnout was really great I really like the way that it looks. Have a couple other things in mind that I want to do with the steel wool in the dark and in the light I just have to come up with the time.

 The still was not just your average still would like you buy to clean dishes well that has to be a zero grade steel wool on the one that you use to wash your dishes definite does not work I have learned that out of all that one first and it doesn't is not flammable.

 So you have to purchase the one that is 0 0 0 grade is much more favorable but you have to be very careful cause it is dangerous and it shoots out a lot of Sparks so you do not want to be around anything that can catch on fire and have any water hose nearby.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

my praying mantis

The praying mantis. For the people that know me riding motorcycles is one of my Main Hobbies. I just love the thrill of controlling that much power with just a Twist of a throttle.
 And this one is my new bike 2014 ZX10. This one here is stand it stretch about 8 inches back what are Brock's exhaust system to match.
 This bike is extremely fast but and dangerous at the same time but lots of fun.
I took this photograph in front of my house I was testing the flash because we had a class project coming up.
 And I thought no other subject to use them my bike that has metal and plastic ware I can try to learn from it and then when a project comes up I will have a little more experience and Hands-On with it.

Jack glass

Mr. Gentleman's Jack.

 We had a project for the summer where you had to learn how to shoot glass.
You had to get the light to shine on left and right side of the glass.

 The process of photographing glass is not as easy as it seems because you did not directly put the light on it so I had to bounce around it and order it for you to form the shape.

In this particular glass actually one a day Christmas bike meeting a year ago I don't even drink but I still had a late around my house and I thought it was very interesting to shoot.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


The good old times the wedding. I need a little wedding shooting a couple weeks ago for a good friend of mine that was my neighbor for like 7 years. His name is mr. Lewis his son is behind him holding his daughter. I just thought this image was very interesting cuz you have a lot of people doing some weird things like the kid combing his hair The Flower Lady look in the opposite way the girl just relaxing on the broad shoulder and the groom looking like can this day get any worse. I just really thought it was interesting how he looks really confused and loss of like what did I do. But the wedding was good it was his second wife I think they're very happy together his first wife died and I just feel like he was lonely so he decided to get married again.


At school this week we had a motion project that was due. And I thought to myself there's no other greater way to capture motion that somebody on the motorcycle. And this is a friend of mine named Vince he has a 2015 ZX10.
We are riding buddies we ride motorcycles together.
So the concept of this project in motion was that you had to get a subject sitting still and background must be blurry.

It really didn't take that long to shoot this because all I had to do was slow down my shutter speed .
We shot this on the highway while somebody drove the car and I was in the passenger seat taking the photos I think it turned out really really well I think it actually captures motion.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

mr 1199

Mr. Ducati 1199. This is the 2015 Ducati 1199. It's a very beautiful bike. Few  people with them due to pricing. This bike brand new off the showroom floor before taxes run you $25,000. And they make one that's the  r audition that's going to run you $35,000 10 grand more. I got this bike for a project at school relating to look at an image on the internet and copying it and I looked at the Ducati website on Google and I found a replica image of this so I thought it was very interesting that I knew somebody on the exact same bike and I had an area to shoot it so I took it in today and try it out I think it came out really great I just wish I had more time with it. They're great bike personally I don't like them I don't think they sound aggressive personally I like Kawasaki. Actually  had 2014 ZX10.


We had a fabric assignment here at school. Where you had to bring in different fabrics and put them on a different light scenarios and Different Strokes. So as you can tell I used a leather fabric and a rough red and a couch pattern fabric. I really thought this collaboration looks really beautiful and so that's why I decided to shoot it. Wish I had three or four different styles but the one I like the most was using softboxes. Because it gave herself a light when I try to use a hard light it just looked too flat.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Aria Hall

Well this is my youngest daughter Aria. She's 18 months old. She likes being outdoors and playing we started going to this park she really likes it it's they have a walking trail they have like Bridge she likes looking over the bridge throwing rocks into the water they have like a kid areas she likes going to play over there so it's taking a little power four wheeler but it's particular day she was looking at I think it was a turtle as he was trying to throw rocks at it so I thought it made a really nice picture and she means the most to me most important thing overall things that is in my life and I do have another daughter that ate but our is the youngest I have two girls. But men are I enjoy going outside the oldest ones not really like being outside as much but all he really likes it she likes getting dirty and playing with her shoes off and enjoy the day and I really think she got that from me. If she's my own little personal model.